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Government Orders - Service Rules - Tamilnadu Government Orders - Latest GOs

Tamil Nadu Government Service Rules - important Government Orders (G.O.) - Latest Government Orders (GOs)

Dearness Allowance (DA) Details :
18.08.2022 : 3% DA increased by Govt of Tamil Nadu with effect from 01.07.2022, vide
Finance  Department G.O.Ms.No.254, Dated 18th August 2022.
17.10.2019 : 5% DA increased by Govt of Tamil Nadu on 17th October 2019
TN Govt Employees, monetary benefit w.e.f. 01.07.2019.
     Existing DA 12%
     New DA increment 5%
     Total DA is 17% as on 01.07.2019
Download G.O.Ms.No.323 dated 17.10.2019
Ad-hoc increase for Consolidated Pay / Fixed Pay / Honorarium persons : Rs.50 to 100
vide GO.Ms.No.324 dated 19.10.2019
DA hike for Pensioners / Family Pensioners 12% + 5% increase = 17% DA
vide GO.Ms.No.327 dated 21.10.2019

18.09.2018 : 2% DA increased by Govt of Tamil Nadu.
=> 2% of DA hike given to TN Govt Employees, monitory benefit w.e.f. 01.07.2018.
Hence, total DA is 9% of Basic PayDownload G.O.Ms.No.313 dated 18.09.2018
Ad-hoc increase for Consolidated Pay / Fixed Pay / Honorarium persons : Rs.50 to 100
vide GO.Ms.No.314 dated 18.09.2018
DA hike for Pensioners / Family Pensioners 7% + 2% increase = 9% DA
vide GO.Ms.No.316 dated 18.09.2018
DA hike for salary receivers of Pre-2006 pay scales / Pre-2006 pay scales / grade pay 274% + 10% increase = 284% DA
vide GO.Ms.No.316 dated 18.09.2018

12.04.2018 : 2% DA increased by Govt of Tamil Nadu.
=> 2% of DA hike given to TN Govt Employees, monitory benefit w.e.f. 01.01.2018.
Hence, total DA is 7% of Basic Pay. Download G.O.Ms.No.123 dated 11.04.2018
=>  2% of DA hike - DA revision for Pensioners - Download G.O.Ms.No.126 dated 11.04.2018
=> DA hike for salary receivers of Pre-2006 pay scales / Pre-2006 pay scales / grade pay - Download G.O.Ms.No.125 dated 11.04.2018

11.10.2017 : 3% DA w.e.f. 01.07.2017 Click here
11.10.2017 : Total 5% DA w.e.f. 01.07.2017

Latest Tamil Nadu Govt Order for 7th CPC :

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